Monday, September 14, 2009

Both Grandmas visited on Sunday and Bath Time Happened on Monday!

Tucking Miss Sydney in for the night. We put a little bow in her hair and everything! She is now 4lbs 7oz! She is growing quite well and beginning to take a bottle pretty well too!

Daddy and Sydney!

Daddy talking to Sydney. She was so happy and really enjoyed her bath tonight!

And now for the big rinse!

See, she has her eyes on Daddy.

Jayson is shampooing Sydney's hair. She loved it! She kept watching Jayson the entire time.

This is after her bath while we are trying to dress her. The nurse snapped a quick family picture for us! Thanks Nurse Sue!

Ok Sydney, you ready? Here we go into the water.

Monday = Bath Time!
A big stretch! Miss Sydney is getting ready for her first bath! Finally!
The reason why she hasn't had a bath until now is because she wasn't able to maintain her temperature. Even though she is able to maintain it now, we had to use a heat lamp that is over the sink to help keep her warm.

It was a Grandma visiting day for Sydney! Grandma Nancy came for a visit in the evening and we put this cute bow on for a picture (of course)! We also put a bumble beed shirt and some pink pants on for the first time. The pants are kind of difficult to put on because of all the leads and things that Sydney has hooked up to her. But I got them on eventually!

And now, sound to sleep! Doesn't she look so cozy?!

Grandma Brigitte came for a visit early in the day and got to hold Sydney for the first time! Grandma patted her and talked to her as she held her. Miss Sydney slept for most of the time, but when Grandma talked to her she would open her eyes!

Kisses from Mommy! Such a sweetie!

Smiling on Sunday! Just a happy little girl!

Even though she did not burp, it was good practice and a good effort.

Jayson giving Sydney a bottle! Good job Daddy!

Just looking around!

These were some pictures from this past Saturday! Jayson and I went in for a visit and we put our little girl in a polka-dot outfit! So cute! Grandma Brigitte made her a new hat which matched very well. Daddy took a turn at giving Miss Sydney a bottle. She did pretty well that day. And then he burped her for his first time too!

1 comment:

  1. She looks amazing! She is so sweet and cute :) I will continue to pray for Sydney that she can gain the weight she needs to be able to go home soon. You guys are wonderful parents!
